
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HA!! Berlian di Pemeran Basel Dicuri! Nilainya Jutaan Dolar Lho!

berlian heboh
Berlian bernilai jutaan dolar Amerika Serikat dicuri saat pameran arloji terbesar di dunia. Perampoknya hebat sekali ya? Kejadian ini terjadi di Swiss, Pelaku kejahatan melakukan pengaburan begitu hebat, sehingga tidak terdeteksi. pencuri mencuri empat berlian. lalu, bagaimana cctv-nya ya? apa gak berlaku?

Setelah perampokan terdeteksi, ruang pameran ditutup selama setengah jam untuk mencegah pencuri melarikan diri, tetapi tidak berhasil. "Rupanya, para pelaku berhasil meninggalkan ruang pameran dengan barang curiannya," kata Melzl dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Juru bicara itu mengatakan kepada AFP bahwa pencurian melibatkan "mungkin empat hingga lima orang." "Tiga orang mengalihkan perhatian karyawan pedagang berlian, sementara dua orang lainnya membuka lemari pameran," katanya.

Para pencuri diyakini telah memeriksa beberapa lemari pameran beberapa hari sebelum pencurian, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk bergerak cepat. Melzl mencatat bahwa pedagang Israel, yang tidak diidentifikasi, hanya menyadari pencurian sekitar 15 menit setelah itu dilakukan, memungkinkan waktu yang cukup bagi pelaku untuk melarikan diri. "Ini dilakukan dengan cara yang sangat profesional," tambahnya.

Polisi memeriksa rekaman kamera CCTV dan melihat untuk kemungkinan jejak DNA dan sidik jari. Sekitar 1.892 peserta dari 45 negara, termasuk merek-merek mewah seperti Chopard, Patek Philippe, dan Rolex serta pembuat perhiasan seperti Bulgari dan Tiffany, menampilkan kreasi terbaru mereka di ruangan lebih dari 160.000 meter persegi di pameran Baselworld hingga Kamis.

Pameran, yang terbuka untuk umum, telah menjadi sasaran pencuri pada beberapa kesempatan. Pada 2009, seorang perampok mencuri perhiasan senilai 13 juta franc (10 juta euro), tetapi dengan cepat tertangkap. Pada 2007, pencuri membawa lari perhiasan senilai lebih dari satu juta franc.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Endless String Picked

String In conscious, I danced
In the dream, I sing
In the hope
I try to step aside

Sadness without tears
Laughter without ringis

Can you distinguish between death and life ???!!!

ck ck ck ck ck
krisik krisik krisik

plucked strings of life
trying to measure the depth of mystical
measure the deep heart
revoke all instinct

immeasurable grief
the laughter that ran

Can you distinguish between hope and wishful thinking!

WHERE hope!
WHERE your dream!

until I was hesitant about to ask
Where's your song of the strings.

Activator tone poem of life.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III
 An errant dungeon crawl.
Dungeon Siege III
A dungeon crawler without good loot, like Dungeon Siege III, is missing something essential. If the prizes that pop out don't feel valuable, there's no slot machine appeal of opening chests, busting apart wooden barrels or slicing up monsters. Dungeon Siege III's bits of loot come with all kinds of statistical bonuses, and a multitude of special effects like elemental damage or chance to stun. But it's rare to ever get a strong sense that swapping one item for another has a significant effect, many items have near identical visual designs, and no piece is moddable. After not too long, scooping up loot begins to feel like garbage collection instead of treasure hunting.

Obsidian Entertainment, which took over the franchise from creator Gas Powered Games, is more interested in offering satisfying combat mechanics than a tantalizing loot lottery. Each of the four character classes gets nine core abilities - three defensive, the other six offensive and split across two fighting stances. All the abilities can be evolved by gaining experience and leveling up, giving Anjali's area-of-effect firestorm a healing effect or Reinhart's glyph magic a chance to slow enemy movement speed.
Dungeon Siege III

Though the total number of abilities per class feels small and you're not forced to make significant either / or choices about which to acquire, you won't receive enough points to fully customize all of them, meaning by the game's end, another player's Lucas Montbarron build won't be the same as yours. The addition of ability mastery, whereby more powerful versions of abilities can be unleashed if you use them enough times, adds more variety to the system. More importantly, Obsidian did a good job of ensuring each ability serves a well-defined purpose, so there's minimal filler.
Dungeon Siege III
Movement around the battlefield is just as important as proper ability use. Stance shifting to access different abilities is quickly done with a single button press, and the waves of enemies that swarm into battlefields force you to make frequent use of your dodge ability to get out of tight spots and slip away from magical projectiles. There aren't any potions in Dungeon Siege III, so your survival isn't based on stocking up at shops and spamming them when necessary. Fighting flows naturally, feeling more like action game than a traditional dungeon crawler. For example, Anjali can spawn a field of fire and summon a demon dog to help in her ranged form, then switch to melee and perform a spinning heel kick over the flames before jumping into the sky and slamming down to devastate enemies. If any remain alive, she can dodge back and skewer them with a hurled spear, or swap back to fire form and conjure a column of flame. Using the abilities in concert like this helps to keep up interest in the combat where the loot system fails.
Dungeon Siege III
Due to the lack of potions, Dungeon Siege III also doesn't make it feel like you're wasting resources by using abilities. Every standard attack you land builds focus, the resource abilities consume. By constantly attacking you can quickly gather enough focus to often use your most powerful stuff. The fun doesn't last the whole game, however. Even though Dungeon Siege III regularly tosses new enemy types at you throughout a variety of environments, leveling up after you've unlocked a class' entire ability set doesn't feel nearly as rewarding. All you'll be able to do is tweak abilities and talents, adding higher percentages to critical hit damage or reducing the focus cost of special skills, which isn't exactly thrilling.
Dungeon Siege III
Games of this type typically don't offer much in the way of story, so it's certainly welcome to see how much attention it gets in Obsidian's version of Dungeon Siege. Characters interact in conversation with a Mass Effect-style interface and decisions made throughout the course of the game can actually affect events later on. Those used to bland bubbles of quest text will appreciate this, though it's tough to really care what happens because the personalities, even the main villain, have little depth. These characters exist solely to play flat, plot-necessary roles, not to entertain with their dynamic personalities. Dungeon Siege III does a better job than many other loot games to establish motivations for quests and make it feel as though your actions affect the story, but it's not a story worth remembering.
Dungeon Siege III
It's also worth forgetting this game has a multiplayer component because of the restrictions in Dungeon Siege III's online suite. The game plays out entirely in two-character co-operative mode with the partner class of your choosing controlled by a capable artificial intelligence that will make use of a variety of skills and revive you when necessary. You have full control over the skill development of the AI characters and can equip them with gear, but as soon as you go to play online, none of this matters. By hopping into the game of another through the game's online browser you can't import your main character. Instead, you're forced to select from whichever character classes aren't already active in the game (two of the same class are not allowed), and won't have any control over skill development while you're disconnected. While this might work if you want to play with close friends, it makes Dungeon Siege III's online mode near useless if you're looking for a random partner to pair up with and make progress.
Dungeon Siege III
The rules of online play also aren't appropriately customizable either, since if you open up your single-player game for another to join, that random person can speed over to a vendor and sell off all your inventory items before bailing out. Such behavior isn't the fault of Obsidian, but failing to put in safeguards against this kind of thing is. Though four-player online play is possible, it's also a chaotic mess. The camera incessantly jitters as it struggles to follow the action, the spell effects, as bright and colorful as they are, make it overly difficult to discern what's actually happening onscreen, and the arenas of combat feel far too small to accommodate more than two.
Dungeon Siege III
Two can play the game offline with a drop-in co-op system, which can be good for a little while, but the inability to transfer your character, items and progress out of another's game for your own individual use is still frustrating. Dungeon Siege III also features no unlockable new game+ mode and swiftly funnels you through what amounts to one long corridor until you reach the end. It's not the type of loot game meant to be played over and over, does little to encourage exploration, and while it can be decent fun as you toy with the combat system, there's no long-term incentive to continue hacking away.

Though the PC version is by far the best-looking of the three with the appropriate hardware to run it, it does have downsides. The camera requires constant micromanagement to position properly, and for some reason you can't scoop up items or interact with NPCs with mouse clicks. Using the mouse and keyboard introduces a slew of irritations that don't need to be there. The issue is solved by using a gamepad, but that's not the best option if you're looking forward to taking advantage of the platform's traditional controls.

Closing Comments
Obsidian Entertainment's take on the Dungeon Siege franchise has some merit. The core combat system is well-designed, offering a small but useful set of abilities for each character class. The varied enemy encounters encourage the frequent use of abilities and the dodge mechanic, which makes the basic gameplay – whittling down the health bars of enemies – satisfying. But the rest of the game mostly falters, unfortunately, to a degree that overshadows its achievements. Dungeon Siege III is a dungeon crawler with a boring loot table, poorly implemented multiplayer, and little lasting incentive to continue running around the world once the tedious story ends.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kudeta SBY Mungkinkah?

Isu rencana kudeta SBY kembali hangat diperbincangkan, ini berawal dari pemberitaan Al-Jazeera yang melaporkan adanya sejumlah jenderal purnawirawan yang secara diam-diam mendukung kelompok Islam garis keras untuk memicu kekerasan antar umat beragama. Hal ini bagian dari rencana menggulingkan Presiden SBY.

Kudeta SBY mungkinkah? aya aya wae kata Djoko Suyanto, menteri Koordinator Politik Hukum dan Keamanan.
"Aya-aya wae, kita kan sudah mengembangkan demokrasi di negara ini," kata dia. Menurut Djoko, tahapan demokrasi sudah ditentukan dan hal itu sudah diatur dalam undang-undang.
Dari pemberitaan Al-Jazeera, para jenderal senior ingin beraksi mengkudeta SBY lantaran mereka sudah jengah melihat SBY yang terlalu lemah dan reformis.

Bagaimana tanggapan para purnawirawan terkait isu rencana kudeta SBY ini?
"Di tubuh TNI, darat, laut, udara tidak pernah diajarkan untuk berontak dan kudeta," kata Ketua Umum Pengurus Pusat Persatuan Purnawirawan TNI Angkatan Darat, Letnan Jenderal (Purn) Soerjadi. 
"PPAD mendukung perubahan, tapi jangan seperti 1998 dulu. Kami ingin perubahan yang terkelola dan terkawal dengan baik, dengan agenda dan konsep yang jelas," lanjut Soerjadi.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pemain Sepakbola Berpenghasilan Tertinggi di Dunia

Apakah anda tahu siapa pemain sepakbola berpenghasilan tertinggi di dunia? Tak lain adalah Lionel Messi. Lionel Messi adalah pemain sepakbola berpenghasilan tertinggi di dunia. Kemudian di urutan kedua ada Cristiano Ronaldo. Survei ini dilakukan oleh France Football.

Penghasilan Messi mencapai 31 juta euro per tahun didapatnya dari gajinya di Barcelona dan berbagai kontrak komersial. Pemasukannya lebih besar 3,5 juta euro dari yang diterima Ronaldo. Pada posisi ketiga ada Wayne Rooney dengan pemasukan 20,7 euro juta setiap tahun. David Beckham berada pada urutan keempat. Pemasukannya mencapai 19 juta euro.

Untuk kategori manajer tim, pelatih Madrid Jose Mourinho menduduki peringkat teratas. Pemasukannya setiap tahun mencapai 13,5 juta euro. Da disusul rivalnya, Pep Guardiola. Pelatih Barca ini menerima 10,5 juta Euro.

Menariknya, Rafael Benitez yang saat ini masih menganggur justru menduduki peringkat tiga. Mantan pelatih Inter Milan ini mendapat pemasukan 10,2 juta euro. Manajer tim nasional Inggris Fabio Capello berada di posisi empat dengan pemasukan 8,5 juta euro.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ripped carpet into Antiques

Based on the news from a daily newspaper in London, at Sotheby's auction event, April 28, 1994, a piece of carpet purchased second-hand goods in stores, have brought great benefit to the owner. What article?
top carpet

The former owner of the carpet was named Jesson, when interviewed he said that he got the carpet ripped it from a thrift store in south London. At the time of purchase, the price of carpet tersebuh only 70 pounds sterling. After a few days notice Jesson carpet, it turned out very antique and finally he called an expert to examine him.
top carpet

The experts were called and examined. Former carpet and torn it is rare rugs from the 17th century. After news broke extensive discovery, a person who conceal his name has won the auction carpet with value for money 51,000 pounds sterling. Jesson, who has 54-year-old said, "I never thought, that an event is very encouraging, it can happen to me."

top carpet

When humans do not lose a vision of his life, made himself for the benefit for himself and others. Time for a fresh start, a new spirit, new spirit, new strength. Read the chance, however small. In the vicinity of our environment. Like water for small fish, the water actually sought the source of life around him.
top carpet

Major events, will approach a dreamer who fight for his dream. Kun Faya Kun. Importance of this lesson, nothing is impossible for a believer. The Jesson did not think at age senjanya, at the end of his life had found a miracle. Then, how can a man hang everything on his Lord, the Lord of the master of life, sekehandakNyalah anything can happen.
top carpet

No need to doubt it will promise. No need to lower themselves on ability, not necessarily pessimistic about the future. Our job is just try hard, work smart, find ideas, establish a vision, and achieve the highest ideals. And, do not ever feel hopeless at all, let alone grieve. It's about time! It's about time! Muslims are aware, that he memarisi this world.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Apple Ipad 2 Spec dan Harga

Ipad 2 resmi dirilis pada konferensi pers Apple di Yerba Buena Center of the Arts, San Francisco, AS pada tanggal 11 maret 2011. Untuk pasar Indonesia sampai saat ini masih belum diketahui kepastiannya, mungkin agak begitu lama, ini karena para distributor produk Apple iPad di Indonesia pun masih belum dapat kepastian dari Apple.

Untuk anda yang sudah tidak sabar menunggu kedatangan iPad 2, berikut ini adalah spesifikasi dan harga Apple iPad 2.

iPad 2 Spec :

  • Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi + 3G
  • Tinggi: 9,50 inch (241,2 mm)
  • Lebar: 7,31 inch (185,7 mm)
  • Ketebalan: 0,34 inch (8,8 mm)
  • Berat: 1,33 pounds (601 g) Wi-Fi, 1.34 pounds (607 g) 3G
  • 16GB
  • 32GB
  • 64GB
  • Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
  • Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology
  • Wi-Fi + 3G model: UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
  • Wi-Fi + 3G for Verizon model: CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900 MHz)
  • 9,7 inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
  • 1024-by-768-pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi)
  • Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating
  • Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously
  • 1GHz dual-core Apple A5 custom-designed, high-performance, low-power system-on-a-chip
Kamera, Foto dan Video Recording
  • Kamera belakang (resolusi belum disebutkan) : Video recording, HD (720p) up to 30 frames per second with audio; still camera with 5x digital zoom
  • Kamera Depan: Video recording, VGA up to 30 frames per second with audio; VGA-quality still camera
  • Photo and video geotagging over Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi:
  • Built-in 25-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
  • Sampai 10 jam akses web di Wi-Fi, lihat video, atau mendengar musik
  • Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
  • Built-in 25-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
  • Sampai 10 jam akses web di Wi-Fi, lihat video, atau mendengar musik
  • Sampai 9 jam akses web memakai jaringan data 3G
  • Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system
  • 30-pin dock connector port
  • 3.5-mm stereo headphone minijack
  • Built-in speaker
  • Microphone
  • Micro-SIM card tray (Wi-Fi + 3G model)
  • Three-axis gyro
  • Accelerometer
  • Ambient light sensor
  • Wi-Fi
  • Digital compass
  • Assisted GPS (3G only)
  • Cellular (3G only)
Audio Playback
  • Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz
  • Audio formats supported: HE-AAC (V1 and V2), AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV
  • User-configurable maximum volume limit
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound pass-through with Apple Digital AV Adapter (sold separately)
TV dan Video
  • Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p with Apple Digital AV Adapter or Apple VGA Adapter (cables sold separately)
  • Video out support at 576p and 480p with Apple Component AV Cable; 576i and 480i with Apple Composite AV Cable
  • Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format.
Harga iPad 2 :

Untuk harga iPad 2 sampai sekarang masih belum diketahui, ini karena iPad 2 belum masuk di pasar Asia. Pancallok segera mengupdate halaman ini begitu ada informasi akan hal ini. 
"Apple belum merilis kapan bakal meluncurkan iPad 2 di Asia, dan kita juga belum bisa memprediksi," ujar Luis Anthony, Marketing Manager iBox, ketika dihubungi detikINET, Kamis (3/3/2011).